Fari Hamzei
February 21, 2007
Our Proprietary Scanner Report covering Sigma Channel Patterns, Dollar-Weighted Put/Call Ratios, and Market Cap-adjusted Volume Breakouts had six stock picks today for momentum players. We will discuss two of the LONG PLAYS here and tell you why. They are both traded on NYSE with liquid options.
This is why we like Cemex, S.A.B. de C.V.(CX):
1) All Time High in Price
2) Basic Materials Sector
3) Price action is still in its +1 to+2 Sigma Channel
4) Its $wP/C Ratio is 0.30 (the lower the better for stocks)
5) Daily Volume Breakout
6) Expanded Options Volume for the last two days both in contracts and premiums paid !!
7) Had another Outside Bar Reversal today
8) Our CI Indicator (Zero-lag Momentum/Trend) is positive for weekly, daily and hourly timeframes.

9) Intraday Volume Break out (IVBOs) -- those are the red bars in second subgraph.
10) Notice in the hourly chart we have not hit Weekly Resistance Level 2 or 3 yet (red lines). Use those price levels as exit targets while scaling out.
We like Barrick Gold (ABX) because:
1) Precious Metals Sector
2) Price at +2 Sigma Channel
3) $wP/CRatio is 0.24 -- has closed less than that during the last five trading days !!
4) Daily Volume Breakout
5) Huge Options Volume Expansion this week
6) Our CI Indicator (Zero-lag Momentum/Trend) is positive for weekly, daily and hourly timeframes.

7) Intraday Volume Breakout (IVBOs) -- those are the red bars in second subgraph.
8) Notice in the hourly chart we have not hit Weekly Resistance Level 2 or 3 yet (red horizontal lines). Use those price levels as exit targets while scaling out.