Wednesday, April 1, 2015
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Notice of Change of Bias with Timer Digest
Fari Hamzei
Dear Jim,
Please log me in as SHORT on SPX as of Friday, May 22nd, 2009 Close of 887.00.
Have a great Memorial Day Weekend......Go Danica Go !!!
Posted by
Hamzei Analytics, LLC
1:10 PM
Friday, September 26, 2008
Comments for Timer Digest as of Friday, September 26, 2008
Fari Hamzei
As I sat down to write the commentary for today, Friday, September 26—given what we have gone through in these tumultuous past two weeks—I recalled the words of wisdom of a respected colleague and good friend. These words were bestowed on us as the first salvo in the first chapter of Master Traders by none other than one of the greatest market tacticians in recent years, Jeff deGraaf, CMT, CFA, formerly of Lehman Brothers.
"In the market, arrogance without fear will eventually break you. Fear without arrogance will leave you paralyzed at the most inopportune time. The delicate balance of fear and arrogance fosters appropriate aggressiveness without the recklessness."
As Washington continues to bicker over the fate of our frozen credit markets, while investors worldwide hold their breath, and with Presidential and Congressional elections in less than 40 days, I see our forward near-term game shaping up as a binary trade, with a 1 or 0 outcome. Since the ZERO outcome is not acceptable to our way of life in this great nation, we will march forward with a strong LONG BIAS. Our markets are eager to ratchet up as soon as the Proposed Treasury Authority to Purchase Troubled Assets is approved by both houses of the Congress and the news hits the wires.
For this play, we prefer the financials, capital goods, technology and consumer cyclicals.
Posted by
Hamzei Analytics, LLC
8:33 PM
Saturday, September 20, 2008
My Market Timing Comments for Timer Digest as of Friday, September 19, 2008
Fari Hamzei
Last week, we experienced an extremely oversold market that led to a classic capitulation as our global financial system shook to its core. This was telegraphed by very high “new lows” readings, high “down-volume to up-volume ratio” readings, and also very high VXO and VXN readings (based on our Sigma Channels patterns). Sunday marks the Fall Equinox. As I have written every year, within +/- 2 days, Fall Equinox often marks a key reversal for the markets—in this case, mostly likely to the upside.
Comrade Paulson (who was just awarded his second Order of Lenin Medal for his Thursday Night Massacre of Net Short Hedge Funds) and Uncle Ben timed the US Government's $700+ Billion taxpayer (read: poor) bailout of our investment banks (read: super rich) extremely well—just hours ahead of expirations of September Equity Index Futures and European-style Equity Index Options. (Seriously, I consider this a brilliant move that truly did save the integrity of our equity and credit markets and, perhaps, Capitalism as well, from a meltdown).
For the next two weeks, we suggest that you stay the course and keep your longs in tact. We expect a "local" peak around Oct 2nd / 3rd and a "local" trough by Election time (Nov 4th).
Posted by
Hamzei Analytics, LLC
3:12 PM
Friday, September 12, 2008
Comments for Timer Digest as of Friday, September 12, 2008
Fari Hamzei
Last Wednesday (before the close) we wrote you the following:
all eyes are on LEH ..... Fed will stand ready to protect the 4th largest investment bank as Treasury stepped in to protect the housing market (by buying 80% of FNM & FRE) last Sunday.
STAY LONG for now...
as of the Close today, very little has changed:
LEH will be sold in an orderly manner, most probably to the BAC-led group. LEH does not have a liquidity crunch like BSC did back in March. GM & F (and Chrysler) will be helped out too with retooling loans. As I wrote to you a few weeks back, it is election time and the politicians will have no other choice but to push to the right our Economy's structural problems and past the November Elections.
With Housing (Mortgages) and Autos [temporarily] fixed (but not cleaned up, and more like, band-aided for now), the market should get less risk averse in the coming weeks.
For now CONTINUE to STAY LONG......
Have a great weekend.....
Go Chicago Cubs !!!!
Posted by
Hamzei Analytics, LLC
4:53 PM
Monday, September 8, 2008
Notice of Change of Bias
Fari Hamzei
From: Hamzei Analytics LLC Admin []
Sent: Monday, September 08, 2008 7:31 AM
To: MSA (
Subject: Notice of Our Change of Bias
This morning Timer Digest has confirmed our Change of Bias as of Sunday afternoon ~ 3 pm EDT.
From: []
Sent: Monday, September 08, 2008 6:07 AM
Subject: Re: URGENT>>> how late can I change my bias today (Sunday) on SPX Short I put on August 22nd ???
September 8, 2008
We will log your S&P 500 Buy signal as of the 09/05/08 close, but confirm that this is what you want to do.
Technically you have until 4:00 AM ET to receive the previous market close.
In a message dated 9/7/2008 3:04:10 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, writes:
From: Fari Hamzei []
Sent: Sunday, September 07, 2008 2:04 PM
To: Jim Schmidt (
Subject: URGENT>>> how late can I change my bias today (Sunday) on SPX Short I put on Aug 22nd ???
Posted by
Hamzei Analytics, LLC
8:31 AM
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Comments for Timer Digest as of Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Fari Hamzei
Reading that FNM & FRE have approximately $223 Billion of debt maturing in September. Warren Buffet, in an interview back on August 22nd, called it as he saw it: "[They] don't have any net worth...the game is over..."
Barron's valued them recently at approximately negative $50 Bils each.
And, yesterday, Fitch Ratings slashed its debt ratings for preferred stock of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac's from "A" to "BBB-," the lowest investment grade rating.
Balance these with a comment from a former advisor to China's Central Bank (holding some $376 Billion in US GSE debt):
“If the US Government allows Fannie and Freddie to fail and international investors are not compensated adequately, the consequences will be catastrophic. If it is not the end of the world, it is the end of the current international financial system.”
-- Stay SHORT Broad Indices and Financials, this could get very ugly very fast....
Posted by
Hamzei Analytics, LLC
6:27 PM
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Let me clear something up once and for all
Fari Hamzei
This morning emails are continuing to pour in and I feel it is better I write to all of you all at once, clear some air and get every body focused back on the markets and the week ahead. My only request is that, after reading my explanations, whether you agree with it or not, let's just move on by NOT replying to this email and spare me of your response. We all have a lot to prepare for this coming week. Thanks for your understanding in advance.
First and foremost, I am not a political observer. And my market comment last Friday for Timer Digest was not supposed to be interpreted as a political statement. At Timer Digest, the Top Ten market timers (out of approximately 150 timers) are encouraged, twice a week, to email in and highlight what each of us observe as key issues facing/impacting the markets in the short term. Our comments are posted on Timer Digest's hotline on Wednesday late afternoons and Saturday mornings.
Second, I am a die-hard Reagan Republican. As the part of my preparation for the markets, I read a lot of market-related reports, on a daily basis, from highly regarded authors and I was simply highlighting what issues this fragile market might be reacting to, including, but not limited to, the general elections, the bond and commodity markets, hurricanes, and the Russian behavior in the Caucasus.
If you carefully review the minute by minute trading data on Friday (after a series of better-than-expected economic sentiment data during the first 30 min of regular trading), market began selling [hard] exactly when McCain Campaign confirmed the rumors that Gov Palin was indeed Senator McCain's choice for his VP. Markets, in aggregate, are smarter than any one of us and we should heed their hidden message. (sometimes we do not get it right, including yours truly, back in May 19th --oh, well !!).
IMHO, what Senator McCain did is most unnerving -- he gave away a very tight election at the time us Republicans must endure the many failures of Bush-Cheney era. If you look at this morning's highly rated CBS "Face the Nation" or NBC "Meet the Press", both anchors, Bob Schieffer and Tom Brokaw, opened with or brought up same concerns I wrote to you and Timer Digest on Friday.
I think I will sit this election out. My Republican vote won't make a difference in IL where I reside now or back in CA where I lived most of my adult life. And by doing so, I think it may help me be more objective, and less emotional, than the previous five presidential elections I eagerly participated in.
About the Top of the Republican Ticket:
I've been privileged to work with the best and the brightest this great country has to offer and in the process it has raised my standards very high. I just can't vote for a guy who came in 5th from the BOTTOM at Annapolis (for your info, I got into Princeton Engineering School at the age of 16, having been admitted to Annapolis, MIT & Cornell but finally opting for Princeton). For admission to Annapolis, as an allied officer, I received an appointment from President Richard Nixon. At Northrop Grumman, I was honored to work on US Navy F-18A Hornets and in my last two years there I reported to the Father of the Stealth Bomber (USAF B-2 Spirit), which some geopolitical analysts believe, its mere existence, crumbled the Soviet control over Eastern Europe.
And the Veep:
State of Alaska is less populated than the City of Chicago with a windfall budget surplus that you and I pay for at the gas pump. Per capita, that is an outlier fiscal condition. Lower 48 Governors are vastly better experienced as they operate in a more "normal" fiscal conditions. And before that, Gov. Palin was a mayor of a town with 9,000 people. These short and very limited experiences do not train her to be one heart beat away from becoming the Commander-in-Chief of the sole superpower the Free World has. This I know. I grew up and worked in the Military Industrial Complex in my backyards (in Washington & Los Angeles).
Read this
and this
These are issues that Dems will bring up in the Presidential Debates.
About the Democratic Ticket:
oh, BTW, Senator Obama, although I understand he is very smart, IMHO, is not qualified either and does have a number of unsavory associates. Senator Biden is a wild card and gaffe central.
If these two tickets are the best this Great Land can come up with, then, it is indeed a very sad commentary on the State of Our Union.
Posted by
Hamzei Analytics, LLC
12:42 PM
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Comments for Timer Digest as of Friday, August 29, 2008
Fari Hamzei
nothing new to add .....but
For Senator McCain who is 72 years old and has had four bouts with cancer to have chosen someone so completely unqualified as Gov. Sarah Palin to be a heart beat away to become the CINC, is shockingly irresponsible. Suddenly, Senator McCain's age and health become central issues in the campaign, as does his judgment.
Market should sell hard as Obama/Biden Victory is all but guaranteed now.
So in effect, as Labor Day approaches, we are walking into a perfect storm, with Elections outcome (as discussed above), Financials in disarray, Czar Putin on a rampage in the Caucasus and Hurricane Gustav heading right into the Gulf of Mexico with elevated water temperatures.
My God save and protect the Union....
Posted by
Hamzei Analytics, LLC
12:10 PM
Friday, August 22, 2008
Notice of Change of Bias on SPX and My Comments as of Friday August 22, 2008
Fari Hamzei
Dear Jim,
I am reversing my existing LONG position (from April 10 @ 1360.54) and going SHORT S&P-500 Cash Index (SPX) as of the Close Today at 1292.20 (almost touching its +1 sigma).
We have a rough patch ahead of us. The problem is the unresolved turmoil in the Credit Markets as we enter the season of high volatility for our Equity Markets. Brace yourself (and your portfolio).
Here is our Timer Chart:

Posted by
Fari Hamzei
4:21 PM
Friday, August 8, 2008
Comments for Timer Digest as of Friday, August 8, 2008
Dear Jim,
As I wrote you two days ago (before the close -- see below), both of those events happened today but not first without a sharp sell-off (yesterday), which brings us to this point:
we did observe outside bar reversals on vol indices (VXO and VXN) today... but our proprietary volume and breadth indicators are not looking very terrific here. putting all of this together and noting that the rally from March 17th low had more upward pressure, we read this as a very skeptical market. considering that seasonality wise, the more volatile part of the year is ahead of us and not behind us, the market may be bracing for another shoe to drop in financial/housing/energy markets.
given that next week is August Options Expiry, we need to see more volume before we can press it. we will, but when it's time (IOHO) !!
I have attached our Vol Charts:

From: Fari Hamzei []
Sent: Wednesday, August 06, 2008 1:57 PM
To: Jim Schmidt (
Subject: my comments for Wednesday August 6, 2008
we are about to see our SPX channel breakout confirmation...........with a close above 1292.00, STAY LONG or GET LONGER. Volume is key determinant here.
NDX (and QQQQs) will go up to test their 200-day MovAvg in the coming days.
All the best;
Fari Hamzei
Hamzei Analytics, LLC
Posted by
Hamzei Analytics, LLC
5:19 PM
Friday, August 1, 2008
Comments for Timer Digest as of Friday, August 1, 2008
Fari Hamzei
With the non-event July Non-Farm-Payroll behind us (except Jobless Rate spiking to 5.7%), the worry is now on GM, MER & C. If you do the math, GM has about 60-day cash on hand to pay its bills. That is awfully tight for a company with $180Bils in Revs. CDO write-downs for MER will force another round of write-downs for C and other major large international banks (22 cents on a Dollar sale by MER vs 50 cents on a Dollar held on books by C, and alike). Vikram Pandit, one of the best and brightest on Wall Street, has an uphill battle ahead of him in the next few quarters. The Credit Bears continue to Rule this Market.
Technically, the market structure has not changed. Look at NDX for month of July. It went completely sideways. The TechLand guidances have been very perturbing to many investors, small and large. The only bright spot seems to be the BioTechs (see BBH components).
Bottom Line: We expect more or less sideways action during the remaining dogs days of the Summer. Come Labor Day and the final push for the Presidential Elections, we should see some follow thru in the Equity Markets. Direction is unknown at this point.
Posted by
Hamzei Analytics, LLC
4:58 PM
Friday, July 25, 2008
Comments for Timer Digest as of Friday, July 25, 2008
Fari Hamzei
We are getting cautiously optimistic that we are in the process of building a bottom. While our credits woes are not over yet (see news on Chrysler completely pulling out of Auto and SUV LEASES today and S&P downgrade of FNM & FRE Subordinated Bonds and Preferred Stocks) and summer trading this year could be rather gut-wrenching, we are fully cognizant of the fact that Bear Market Bottoms take time to build. They are not an event. Rather, they are an evolution.
With RUT and NDX catching a bid here today following better than expected news in new home sales, consumer confidence, durable goods and lower crude oil prices, we are hopeful that our Equity Markets will finally make a turn here for good.
Having said that, for now the best advise is to "Stay Defensive and Collapse Your Bet Size" !!!
Below is our Timer Chart.

Posted by
Hamzei Analytics, LLC
7:17 PM
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Comments for Timer Digest as of Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Fari Hamzei
We are going thru a mild rebound here but due to lack of volume, lack of panic and lack of rise in VIX, it is troubling us here.
Stay defensive. The flush is not over yet, in our opinion.
Posted by
Hamzei Analytics, LLC
5:03 PM
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Market Commentary sent to Timer Digest on Friday, June 20, 2008
Fari Hamzei
Volatility has increased in line with our projections. We are currently extremely oversold. We should see another bounce this week. Whether it is a dead cat bounce or not we do not know at this point.
In our opinion, this was not a complete FLUSH of the weak longs.
Posted by
Hamzei Analytics, LLC
9:52 PM
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Market Commentary sent to Timer Digest on Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Fari Hamzei
Our Market Pulse Indicator (MPI) is getting ready to setup for a [ROYAL] FLUSH of the weak longs. Once we are thru that painful process, we should be ready for a blast off. The window is 2 to 5 days. Brace Yourself.
Posted by
Hamzei Analytics, LLC
4:35 PM
Market Commentary sent to Timer Digest on Friday, June 13, 2008
Fari Hamzei
Well, first they told everyone LEH and YHOO were in trouble, and so the market sold hard. By Wednesday night, we were extremely oversold with NYSE McClellan Osc reading of -245. Today, of course, with good retail sales and inline CPI, it was a brand new day, and with MSFT, GS and LEH leading the way, we closed with a -108 reading on the same indicator. We are not out of the woods yet, but the next leg has a positive bias to it -- as long as GS Earnings Report is well received Tuesday morning before the market opens.
NDX is retesting its 200 day Moving Average but key to this market is XLF and XBD behavior (Banks and Broker/Dealers).
Go WSox !!!
Posted by
Hamzei Analytics, LLC
4:22 PM
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Market Commentary sent to Timer Digest on Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Fari Hamzei
Our Market Pulse Indicator is getting in the rebound region. NYSE McClellan Osc closed at -241 and its NAZZ brethren closed at -141. We are deeply oversold here and next week is June Options Expiration Week. The puts bought in the last few days must go worthless by next week. So expect at least a dead cat bounce here.
The caveat is XLF. The Financials are in deep trouble. Best example is LEH (short bias) and SKF (long bias).
Posted by
Hamzei Analytics, LLC
3:37 PM
Sunday, June 8, 2008
Market Commentary sent to Timer Digest on Friday June 6th, 2008
Fari Hamzei
What a day it was........DJIA -394, SPX -43 & NDX -64 !!
As we warned you earlier this week (on Wednesday) to stay nimble as we have a very bumpy road ahead of us. Next week undoubtedly, we shall observe some form of Fed and/or PPT Intervention in our financial markets. But first, we have to go thru Monday and it could be a very tough day.
With Vol Indices at +3 sigma and major equity index averages at -2 sigma, we should be close to a local bottom once NYSE McClellan Oscillator dips below -150. This by no means can be construed as THE bottom for this leg down. We closed today at -110 for this popular indicator.
Posted by
Hamzei Analytics, LLC
8:49 AM
Friday, May 30, 2008
Market Commentary sent to Timer Digest on Friday May 30th, 2008
Fari Hamzei
On Tuesday, it seemed as if the PPT (Presidential Working Group on Financial Markets: was recalled from the Hamptons to buy some SP Futures (by the VEEP), when we dropped below the 1375 levels on the June basis. And, buying they did, ahead of the month end window dressing deadline. By late this afternoon, SP 500 Futures closed the month at 1402.50 at the critical zero(0) sigma level.
Both our Market Pulse Indicator (pointing up), the 5-day vs 10-day TRIN (pointing down) and Vol Indices (easing) point to at least a 1 to 3 days more move upward in this leg. But a failure by SPX (the Cash Index) at 200 day MA (1425.2 area) will be ominous for this fragile market.
So Stay the mean time, we like select oil services and technology names here.
This and more will be discussed interactively in our webinar on Saturday, May 31st at 11:00 CDT. Click here to get free access:
Posted by
Hamzei Analytics, LLC
5:32 PM