We Closed our Short SPX Position with Timer Digest
Fari Hamzei
The following email went out to our MSA List Members this morning at 1037 CST (w/o the chart).
Timer Digest just confirmed that we are FLAT SPX as of last night close.
NYSE McClellan Oscillator yesterday hit -279 while NASDAQ McClellan Oscillator closed at -179. DJIA, SPX, DJ Trans & RUT each closed just a tad above -3 sigma, NDX was at -3 sigma, VIX, VXO & VXN closed above +2 sigma.

So late last night, we decided to cover our SPX SHORT position from 1507 (put on 6/8/07) and booked 234 SPX points for now.
Again we repeat, we are NOT LONG SPX here. We are FLAT SPX. If and when we go LONG, we will update you all immediately.