Service Announcement re DayTrading Systems
We do realize, given our high performance, our trading systems are slightly under-priced, partially by design. We have resisted changing them till a certain level of product maturity was achieved. We have now traded the system over 8 months LIVE in the chat and only between late Feb to mid-March (Ukraine War) was difficult – we can always file a complaint with Comrade Putin but we do not expect a response LOL. Instead, we have included a volatility patch to mitigate such issues in the future.
Please be aware that HA Prop DayTrading Systems pricing for all three offerings (Basic, Elite and Elite MNQ) will be adjusted upward some time next week
<<<<< is $357 per month till May 13 -- then will be $456 on Sat May 14
<<<< is $555 per month till May 13 --- then it will be $707 per month
<<<< is $777 per month till May 13 --- then it will be $999
ELITE Packages will run on the Client's TradeStation. So yes, you need be proficient in TS.
This only impacts *new* or *returning* members
Existing Subscribers do nothing as we never raise pricing on active Members in a given product category.
If you are in a free test drive and like to join, this coming week is best time to lock-in current prices.
Have a great weekend.