Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Daily Equity Markets Commentary

Daily Equity Markets CommentarySocialTwist Tell-a-Friend

HFT Bonds Daily Video Analysis with @GCavaligos - Sept 26, 2012

HFT Bonds Daily Video Analysis with @GCavaligos - Sept 26, 2012SocialTwist Tell-a-Friend

Introducing our brand new product - HFT Bonds with Daily video from Bonds Strategist, George Cavaligos. Take a look at what we do then jump in for a test drive. Just email us at add TEST DRIVE in subject line.  (First and last names are  required.)

Additional Thoughts on Euro by @JimIurorio of TJM Institutional

Additional Thoughts on Euro by @JimIurorio of TJM InstitutionalSocialTwist Tell-a-Friend

Attached is a chart of December Euro Currency futures.

After a dramatic run-up, the contract appears to be in corrective down trend.  We feel the current trajectory could take us toward an objective of 126.60.  This level is both approximate trend line support and .50% retracement of the rally that began on 7/24.  We are looking at the ECX 127.5-126.5 put spread for 32 tick entry point.

This trade expires Nov 9th and has a potential maximum gain of 68 tics (100-32=68).

The fundamental argument includes rising yields in Spain and weaker than expected data from Germany.  For several years the pattern out of Europe has been fairly consistent wherein periods of relative calm are followed by a rash of negative data and unrest.

It feels like the cycle may be repeating...

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

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HFT Bonds Daily Video Analysis with @GCavaligos

Introducing our brand new product - HFT Bonds with Daily video from Bonds Strategist, George Cavaligos. Take a look at what we do then jump in for a test drive. Just email us at add TEST DRIVE in subject line. (First and last names are required.)

Daily Equity Markets Commentary

Daily Equity Markets CommentarySocialTwist Tell-a-Friend

Monday, September 24, 2012

HFT Bonds Daily Video Analysis with @GCavaligos - September 24, 2012

HFT Bonds Daily Video Analysis with @GCavaligos - September 24, 2012SocialTwist Tell-a-Friend
  Introducing our brand new product - HFT Bonds with Daily video from Bonds Strategist, George Cavaligos. Take a look at what we do then jump in for a test drive. Just email us at add TEST DRIVE in subject line.  (First and last names are  required.)

Daily Equity Markets Commentary

Daily Equity Markets CommentarySocialTwist Tell-a-Friend

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