Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Equity Index Update (Special Edition)

Equity Index Update (Special Edition)SocialTwist Tell-a-Friend
Brad Sullivan

Editor's Note: Brad Sullivan's Morning Commentary is usually posted in our SuperPlatinum Virtual Trading Room around 0845 CST.

The index markets are called to open sharply lower on the heels of aggressive selling in the far east (Nikkei and Hang Seng lower by 2 and 3% respectively) and economic data that shows some signs of inflation here at home. The SPH is trading at 1336.50, lower by -19.00 on the session. Some of this headline decline is due to the premium settlement in the futures trade yesterday. After the cash close, HPQ reported better than anticipated earnings and the SPH rallied to settle +5.50 above fair value.

Today’s session should be dominated by the key support zone built up in the SPH from 1340 to 1330. If the index were to break below this zone on a 30 minute close it is a negative that should produce a test of the 1315 zone (chart enclosed). If the market holds this zone, there is potential for short covering towards the 1350 level; however given the makeup of our current environment (4 % range) a bounce like that should be sold.

External factors in today’s session will be the commodity market, specifically the energy complex. Yesterday, front month Crude Oil traded over $100 per barrel and seemed to trigger selling in the equity indices. Clearly any sustained trade above par is not helpful to the equity market and could be the trigger for a larger move. Conversely if Crude were to come off towards 98 it may be supportive in the shortest of time frames for equity traders.

I have enclosed 3 charts today…the first being a all session SP futures chart since Feb 1st on a 30 m inute basis. The second being a daily NDX 100 chart from the 2006 bottom and last a comparison chart of GS and the SPX.

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