Phoenix Options Trading Service finishes its first month UP 22%

Well, first month is behind us. We made some mistakes and not all of our risk management systems are fully operational as we want them. And, yes, I am still trying to get settled in the Windy City.
Nevertheless, the first month, marked-to-the-market, brought in 22% return on total capital. Cash on Cash Return was even juicier.
While past performance is not indicative of future returns, we will stride to do our very best. One of the items we have recently added is ability to show current portfolio P/L without divulging trades in progress on an automated basis. See our Phoenix Visitors' Calendar: (Once you are a paid subscriber, you can see the detail of all trades in progress).
On Monday, we will have some new options trades and on the top of our list are some Solar Power Sector plays. To subscribe, here is the link that offers the best value:
Godspeed Phoenix .....