QCOM Trade 60% Profit in 7 Calendar Days
From: m_s_a@hamzeianalytics.com [mailto:m_s_a@hamzeianalytics.com] On Behalf Of Hamzei Analytics LLC Admin
Sent: Tuesday, March 31, 2009 10:24 AM
To: Matt
Subject: Update 2: EXIT Order: The Phoenix is on ALERT 5: our One Hundredth & First Trade is QCOM May Calls
we were not filled on Thursday with our 2.60 exit day order (see below) -- trying again on a GTC order
looks to me that in a day or two, QCOM will test its +2 sigma on the daily chart -- which is about 40.53
that's $1.40 from here
our May 40 Call option currently has a 51 delta
therefore, a move up to +2 sigma should bring up the market price of option to about 2.99
so let's put a GTC order to Exit this trade at $2.95 or better
this is NOT a day order
current Bid / Ask is 2.26 - 2.30
From: Hamzei Analytics LLC Admin [mailto:Admin@HamzeiAnalytics.com]
Sent: Thursday, March 26, 2009 1:02 PM
To: MSA (M_S_A@HamzeiAnalytics.com)
Subject: EXIT Order: The Phoenix is on ALERT 5: our One Hundredth & First Trade is QCOM May Calls
Exit this trade at 2.60 or better -- this is a Day Order
current bid /ask is 2.43 -- 2.45
From: Hamzei Analytics LLC Admin [mailto:Admin@HamzeiAnalytics.com]
Sent: Tuesday, March 24, 2009 2:01 PM
To: MSA (M_S_A@HamzeiAnalytics.com)
Subject: The Phoenix is on ALERT 5: our One Hundredth & First Trade is QCOM May Calls
101st Trade: BUY to OPEN Five (5) Qualcomm (QCOM) May 40 Calls (AAOEH) @ 1.85 or better -- this is a DAY ORDER
Current Price of QCOM is 38.18
Current Bid/Ask on the option is 1.90 to 1.91
After your Entry, put your SELL STOP @ 0.90
Trade Type: This is a Sigma Scanner Trade
Rationale: Today, QCOM is trading just above +1 sigma.
Its Dollar-weighted Put/Call is 0.32 (BULLISH)
Its UniVol is 50 (this is a volatile stock)
Godspeed Phoenix.....
Fari Hamzei
FounderHamzei Analytics, LLC
Tel: (310) 306-1200
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