Thursday, August 19, 2010

Creating Arbitrage with Stocks Options Equality | Trade Options Like a DPM Webinars #2

Creating Arbitrage with Stocks Options Equality | Trade Options Like a DPM Webinars #2SocialTwist Tell-a-Friend - The Admiral, a former CBOE Designated Primary Market Maker, does a quick example with Costco (COST) on how to create arbitrage opportunities and make instant profits through stock-option equalities. The Admiral has stressed the importance of these stock-option equalities (also called put-call parity, synthetic stock) and this is why. Techniques like this are harder to make a lot of money today with computers quickly taking advantage of these arbitrage opportunities, but this is still important fundamental mechanics of the market to understand.

This an excerpt from the "Trade Options like a DPM Webinar #2 - Verticals/Boxes" Q&A session:


The featured speaker, whom we affectionately call "The Admiral," was a Designated Primary Market Maker (DPM) on the floor of the CBOE for five years. Although we're not using his real name (so don't ask!) suffice it to say that we consider him to be one of the most knowledgeable option traders on the planet. As a floor trader in the '80s and '90s he did the opening options rotation for 5-25 stocks the old-fashioned open outcry way—meaning he opened each option strike price for each of these stocks within the first 30 minutes of trading, both calls and puts.

That meant he had to price more than 500 option strikes, plus as a market maker he traded and kept the markets current. As a DPM, technology brought forth auto-quoting of option series, but pricing of those quotes remained his responsibility. Trading 1 million shares of stocks and 50,000 options contracts was a normal day for him. In 27 years at CBOE, he has traded through the crash of '87, the smaller crash of '90 and the tech bubble in 2000. He has traded three-digit volatility and seen every possible market environment imaginable. So, if you're going to learn options, it might as well be from the very best.

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