Options Backspread Trade Adjustment Considerations | Options Like a DPM Webinars #7
http://hamzeianalytics.com/pow_register.asp - In this excerpt from this 2-hr long options education class, the Admiral explains the various considerations when looking to adjust an options backspread. According to the Admiral, you must be fully aware of the overall market landscape, how the stock you're trading is acting in that environment, and especially how the options for that stock behaves. Options are not linear, so trades can not expect the option to behave the same on different days, different price levels, and different volatility environments.
This an excerpt from "Trade Options like a DPM Webinar #7: Backspreads" - http://hamzeianalytics.com/pow_register.asp
A type of options spread in which a trader holds more long positions than short positions. The premium collected from the sale of the short option is used to help finance the purchase of the long options. This type of spread enables the trader to have significant exposure to expected moves in the underlying asset while limiting the amount of loss in the event prices do not move in the direction the trader had hoped for. This spread can be created using either call options or put options.
The featured speaker, whom we affectionately call "The Admiral," was a Designated Primary Market Maker (DPM) on the floor of the CBOE for five years. Although we're not using his real name (so don't ask!) suffice it to say that we consider him to be one of the most knowledgeable option traders on the planet. As a floor trader in the '80s and '90s he did the opening options rotation for 5-25 stocks the old-fashioned open outcry way—meaning he opened each option strike price for each of these stocks within the first 30 minutes of trading, both calls and puts.
http://hamzeianalytics.com/pow_register.asp - In this excerpt from this 2-hr long options education class, the Admiral explains the various considerations when looking to adjust an options backspread. According to the Admiral, you must be fully aware of the overall market landscape, how the stock you're trading is acting in that environment, and especially how the options for that stock behaves. Options are not linear. In other words, trades can not expect options and option spreads to behave the same on different days, different price levels, and different volatility environments.