Stock Market Timing Charts
Timer Chart: Down Volume to Up Volume Ratios are not at capitulation levels but CIs are flat. 1380 is 200-day MA and next key test for SPX. NDX today broke 200-day with AAPL totally unloved.
Wyckoff Chart: As you all recall from our last market timing webinar, our main concern here has been the sell-off in DJ Utils in the last two weeks. And, today we saw DJIA, DJ Trans & RUT punch thru their respective 200-day MAs.
SP1_momo Chart: Our weekly and daily timing models for SPX are still BUY on WEEKLY and BUY on DAILY (as of yesterday close). If 200 bar MA is punched thru (1380), next target becomes 1343. Keep in mind, these levels are adaptive.
Vol of the Vols Chart: Very minor bump in vol indices. Data still does not support any specific scenario yet.
No signal on TRIN Chart.
MAC+ Chart: Our MAC+ [synthetic] indicator was outstanding today. It was the main reason we were done trading for the day before 0900 CT. Just look at the 5-min MAC+ (right hand side chart) avalanche staying within -1 to -2 sigma channels. The 30-min MAC+ also went straight down (center chart).
As we pointed out on Saturday on @HunterKillerSub, next target is 55%. Today we closed at almost 61%.
Bottom line: We should continue lower till Down Volume to Up Volume Ratios signal a capitulation.